Hosting /\
Why I mention NSFW? for fellow NSFW artists.
- <3 nekoweb. free webhosting, 500Mb, exploring, cool web code editor, NSFW is allowed
- free webhosting, 10mb x 10 sites, NSFW isn't allowed
- teacake. free webhosting, 500Mb, NSFW isn't allowed
- <3 leprd. free webhosting, 1Gb, NSFW is allowed
- lexi's hosting. free webhosting, 500Mb, exploring, NSFW is allowed
- neocities. free webhosting, 1Gb, exploring, NSFW is allowed
- new. tiddlyhost for tiddlywiki. free wikis hosting.
- proboards. free forum hosting
- notabug. free code hosting, changelog
- imgbb. free image hosting. no account needed
- catbox. free file hosting, 200mb, NSFW is allowed
- free webhosting, website builder framework
- mmm. free webhosting, exploring, website builder framework
I Have No Idea How To Sort It /\
for historical and nostalgia reasons /\
from times i was only starting to code
- hotlinking
- margin/padding: [top] [right] [bottom] [left] OR [top] [right/left] [bottom] OR [top/bottom] [right/left]
- w3schools. webdev tutorials
- [vertical-align: middle] for baseline icons