Webdev resources



last updated: 31 Aug 2024


website base by zagura, hosted on yay.boo

Main resources /\

Tools, software, services /\

Short tutorials and codes /\

Some of tutorials are still here for historical reasons.

Layouts /\

R. means responsive.

Hosting /\

Why I mention NSFW? for fellow NSFW artists.

  • <3 nekoweb. free webhosting, 500Mb, exploring, cool web code editor, NSFW is allowed
  • yay.boo. free webhosting, 10mb x 10 sites, NSFW isn't allowed
  • teacake logo teacake. free webhosting, 500Mb, NSFW isn't allowed
  • <3 leprd. free webhosting, 1Gb, NSFW is allowed
  • lexi's hosting. free webhosting, 500Mb, exploring, NSFW is allowed
  • neocities. free webhosting, 1Gb, exploring, NSFW is allowed
  • proboards. free forum hosting
  • notabug. free code hosting, changelog
  • imgbb. free image hosting. no account needed
  • catbox. free file hosting, 200mb, NSFW is allowed
  • straw.page. free webhosting, website builder framework
  • mmm. free webhosting, exploring, website builder framework

Accessibility /\

Fun /\

Graphics /\

Buttons /\

programming socks pensioner css gitea accessible net responsive web nekoweb notepad++ bandwith conservation society leprd lexi's hosting responsive website